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About LifeLight

LifeLight Statement of Faith

LifeLight History

A Message from the Founder

Tell us Your LifeLight Story.

Quick News
Rebecca St. James Concert
"If I Had One Chance To Tell You Something" Tour with BarlowGirl & Jadon Lavik. Coming to:
Duluth, MN
Waukee, IA

Virtual Tour
Check out the 2005 LifeLight Festival Virtual Tour!

Great Links
Our Sponsors
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Our Speakers
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LifeLight Photos
LifeLight Festival Photo Archive
Virtual Tour
Take a Virtual Panoramic Tour off the 2005 Festival.
   Get the 2005    LifeLight Seminars

Tell Us Your LifeLight Story. How has LifeLight touched your life?
LifeLight values your story. It refuels and recharges us. It helps us keep our vision and goal ... and that's to reach a lost world for Christ. Do you have a LifeLight Testimony? How has God touched your life through this ministry? Tell us.

Our goal is to protect your privacy. If we use your story on our Web site, we will not use your name, only use the state you come from. However, if you would please complete all the fields below, we would like to contact you and talk to you personally. We at LifeLight thank you for sharing your testimony. Our God uses your story to encourage us and to encourage others. Thank you.

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
How did you hear about Lifelight?
Your LifeLight Testimony:

May we use your story?     Yes     No
Our goal is to protect your privacy. If we use your story on our Web site, we will not use your name, only use the state you come from.

© 2004-2006 Copyright, All Rights Reserved.

LifeLight Communications
Located in Sioux Falls, SD

About LifeLight